
Catholics united in serving the young and the poor.


  • Catholic men and women (18 years or older), married or single, lay or ordained
  • People who are concerned about the young and the poor
  • People who desire to grow closer to God through prayer and works of charity
  • People who are called by God to live in the spirit of St. John Bosco in their daily lives and work
  • Part of the Salesian Family—the largest family of its kind in the Church!


Any Catholic lay man or woman, or diocesan clergy, 18 years of age or older wanting to become a member of the worldwide Salesian Family established by St. John Bosco.

Salesian Cooperators are the essential lay component of the Salesian Family. They live their normal daily lives in the world; they are parents, teachers, executives, youth workers, volunteers, students - anyone desiring to live the Gospel in a dedicated way according to the charism given to St. John Bosco.

Becoming a Cooperator is a personal response to the call of the Holy Spirit to live one’s Christian life in a particular way - the Salesian way. The call is not a dramatic summons from on high. It may simply be an invitation to come to a meeting, a desire to help others, or a curiosity that attracts one to share St. John Bosco’s work.


Any Catholic lay man or woman, or diocesan clergy, 18 years of age or older wanting to become a member of the worldwide Salesian Family established by St. John Bosco.

Salesian Cooperators are the essential lay component of the Salesian Family. They live their normal daily lives in the world; they are parents, teachers, executives, youth workers, volunteers, students - anyone desiring to live the Gospel in a dedicated way according to the charism given to St. John Bosco.

Becoming a Cooperator is a personal response to the call of the Holy Spirit to live one’s Christian life in a particular way - the Salesian way. The call is not a dramatic summons from on high. It may simply be an invitation to come to a meeting, a desire to help others, or a curiosity that attracts one to share St. John Bosco’s work.


To bring God’s love and joy to those in greatest need, especially the young and poor. Cooperators are motivated by a simple but profound union with God and a desire to serve others. They seek to live Don Bosco’s motto, “Da mihi animas,” that is, “Give me souls.” Cooperators are apostles; they express their deep spirituality through active charity. Cooperators are zealous and available for the Lord’s work in a realistic and practical way.


Through sharing one’s God-given talents in the unique Salesian spirit. This spirit was given to the Church by God through St. John Bosco and it is kept alive by the hundreds of thousands of members of the Salesian Family.

The Lord invites the Cooperators to share their gifts and abilities with the young and others in need. Through this humble service, the Cooperators reveal in a concrete way God’s loving presence. There is an initial period of instruction and formation before a person is formerly inducted into the Association of Salesian Cooperators by making a simple promise. Membership in the Association creates a strong bond of support and friendship among all St. John Bosco’s spiritual sons and daughters.


In one’s own family, neighborhood, parish, workplace Wherever the opportunity exists to carry out the Salesian apostolic mission in all its depth and richness.

The Cooperators live according to a spirit, so their vocation may be lived everywhere. The Cooperators help especially pastors and bishops in the activities of their local parish or diocese. They may also be found working side by side with the Salesian Priests, Brothers, and Sisters in schools, youth centers, retreat house, camps, and mission lands. Called to be signs and bearers of God’s love in the world, Cooperators respond to the needs of others as their life circumstances allow. Service to the Lord Jesus and to His Church is their vocation, their way of life.


Now! Because the need is great, and the Spirit may be calling you.

For more information contact:
Mr. Chris Yarnold, Coordinator
MHC Cooperators
6400 E. Chelsea Street
Tampa, Florida 33610